Friday, July 26, 2013

Email #2:Kat and Neco Scams and Frauds

We've got another email, read below:

Hi my name is_____________ my mother and me paid kat $500.00 dollars for nothing we got screwed and then so called tata neco wanted me to pay him another $2,000 from where i say i dont have that kind of money if i would have there were fake i would have gave them nothing. I dont even have money to buy my family food

Email: Kat and Neco Scams and Frauds

We've got another email, read below:

Week ago. I knew something was wrong when I didn't see no
results with there work .My candles I put on with all my
faith worked better than what they do. People like us so desperate that really need help and looking for a way out of everything alway going wrong my two year seeing things and scared and daugther
feeling and seeing things and everything going to shit everyday .

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another Email Exposing Kat and Abi "Neco"

In the video attached below, Katherine Rodriguez stated that her and Neco Morales will be bringing elekes to their Padrino who is a Babalawo, to be blessed and consecrated that they will then be giving away through the mail.

First of all, in order to receive elekes, one needs to be in person in order to receive them because there are certain ceremonies that one needs to go through first in order to receive them. One of the ceremonies is the "Kobori Eleda (Rogacion de Cabeza)" which is a ceremony to cleanse and balance one's Ori(inner spirit/head/consciousness). That ceremony is done to the person's head, so, how can one go through that ceremony at a distance? THEY CAN'T!!! THEY NEED TO HAVE THAT CEREMONY DONE TO THEM IN PERSON!!! The elekes also first need to be consecrated and empowered through ritual washing, prayers, songs, AND animal sacrifice!!! They can't be simply placed in a jar of herbs and water and placed in front of a BS statue of an Orisa with a candle lit!!! It also does not matter whether or not the intent was just for consecrating and empowering them for drawing luck, money, or opening up one's roads!!! They CAN NOT be used as charms or jewelry to do those things!!! THEY'RE INITIATE TOOLS ONLY!!!

Also, Babalawos CAN NOT give someone or consecrate elekes!!! Here is the reason why which I got from a well known elder Santero who I personally know who also knows one of my elders, website

" Ifá is the name of the sect of Orunmila within Santeria. Orunmila (also spelled Orunla or Orula) is the orisha of divination who knows how our fate will unfold. Some practitioners also call Orunmila by the name Ifá. The reason I specifically call out Ifá as a separate sect is because the ritual functions within the Ifá sect can only be accomplished by priests of Orunmila – called Babalawos (or Oluwos if they were orisha priests prior to passing to Ifá – which many are). Only Babalawos can give the Eshu that is received in Ifá. Only Babalawos can give the Idé of Orunmila (bracelet of Orunmila), which is always worn and keeps the spirit of Ikú (death) at bay. Only Babalawos can divine with the okuelé (diviner’s chain) and the ikín (palm nuts) – and these are the ONLY divination tools used in Ifá. Only Babalawos can give Kofá or Awofakán (Mano de Orula), giving a smaller shrine of Orunmila for people to have in their home (note this is not a consecration as a priest of Orunmila – it is a reception of his mysteries into your life for balance and to learn one’s destiny). Only Babalawos can consecrate other Babalawos as priests. A Santero or Santera cannot do these things.

But the inverse is also true. A Babalawo cannot do many of the things a Santero or Santera can. They cannot give addimú orishas (token Orishas) to others except for the Warriors (Eshu, Ogun, Ochosi, Osun), Osain, Olokun and Oduduwa – and even then they can only give the Ifá style ones that can never be passed on by that individual (unless they become a Babalawo in time). They do not read diloggún (cowrie shells) – they stick only to the use of the diviner’s chain and palm nuts. There is a pataki (legend) that Orunmila surrendered the cowries to Oshun and the orishas to use after she mastered the skill simply by watching him – and he swore that he would create a new system only for men, and only for his priests; that was the okuelé and ikin. Babalawos cannot give the initiation of Elekes (necklaces) – but they can give Orunmila’s eleke to people. They cannot initiate people in the Kariocha ceremony to be priests of other Orishas. They can perform sacrificial rights, or entrance readings leading in to a kariocha but they cannot be in the sacred room when the initiation is taking place. They do not birth orishas.

So in many ways, the Ifá sect is a subdivision of Santería. A cloistered sect of diviners with membership limited to heterosexual men, who dedicate their lives to the mastery of divination, the science of Ifá and the knowledge of Odu. Babalawos are not the high priests of our religion. That is a misnomer perpetuated in many of the early books on Santeria written by outsiders to our faith. They are the masterful diviners in our religion who focus solely on the function of Ifá."

Here is a link to the article which is under "What is Ifa' and Who are Babalawos."

Here is the video in which Katherine Rodriguez says her Padrino is going to consecrate and bless elekes. She says it at 1:40 into the video.

Katherine Rodriguez and Neco Morales are completely and totally ignorant, dumb, and scammers!!! They have no real knowledge of Santeria/Lucumi!!!

Kat Martin: Global Witches Scams/Frauds

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Email Exposed: Chan Cheating On Wife Jeannie

He loves me, He loves me not, CHEATING CHAN EXPOSED.


Kat Exposed: The Oshun Art

The artist of that art work name is Nadia Romanov a former GW teacher.

Nadia sales that art piece and many other art pieces on her website

Kat and Neco Real Names lol

So what's their real names? lol


Global Witches Exposed

All these websites are still Global Witches with new names and same owners running scams and frauds everyday.

Global Witches, Green Eyed Witch, Witchy Sisterhood/Brotherhood, Marketing Madness Diva, Healing With Jeannie, and any website affiliated with Kat and Neco.

We encourage everyone not to buy any products are services affiliated with Global Witches.

Email: Jeannie and Chan Trouble In Paradise?

Email: Jeannie and Chan Trouble In Paradise?

Here's the email/video clip below:

Hey GWE, The word is getting around that Jeannie and Chan marriage has been suffering due to the time Jeannie has been spending being Kat's follower and slave. Jeannie Martin has spent lots of time working for Kat and her marriage is suffering. Kat has found a new follower/slave to work for her. Jeannie and Chan currently don't have a place to live and known for moving from place to place. These two are currently living with a friend and house full of animals. Not sure if these two even have a job, smh. I guarantee you Kat and Neco marriage doing well and they have a place to live. Kat is the reason why Jeannie and Chan marriage has been suffering. Don't this woman know Jeannie has her own life? Jeannie should focus on her own life and leave Kat alone. Jeannie herself puts her own business out in the open for the whole internet world to see. If you don't want people to know your business, keep it off the internet. 

Jeannie Martin Fake Vegan Exposed: Email/Video Clips

Jeannie Martin Fake Vegan Exposed: Email/Video Clips

Here's the email and video below:

Hi Global Witches Exposed,
I'm emailing you to expose Jeannie Martin. Months ago I stated my opinions on this woman on youtube and was attacked. This is the internet and when you put yourself out there, people are going to agree and disagree with you. This woman providing healing/health advice to people and using it as a form of money making knowing she isn't a doctor and dropped out of Alternative Medicine School. This woman also claimed to be
vegan, but I've never met not one vegan whom is overweight, in fact most vegans I know are healthy, in shape, and live a healthy lifestyle.This woman was never a vegan and only advertise that as part of her frauds and scams of growing Healing With Jeannie, she is no healing witch. The healers, healing witches, doctors, or everyone I know whom practice anything healing and healthy live the part as well. She now claims to not be
vegan, in my opinion she never was vegan. She deleted all her old vegan videos to cover her lies of ever being Vegan.This woman providing healing/health advice to people, but she has lots of health issues herself, smoked a cigarette in one of her youtube videos, fake vegan, over weight, use to be a drug addict, Kat's follower, and it's clear this woman shouldn't be providing healing/health advice to no one . She's also been spotted on network social websites eating unhealthy fatty foods, but this is the same person that's providing healing/health advice. I and others have also made reports on her and others whom are scams and frauds of Global Witches. I'm a RN and I also practice Wicca, so I take my job as a nurse serious and love my Wiccan Community. I've studied medicine and now a RN, so I take this scam and fraud of Jeannie Martin serious. This what she's doing is dangerous and playing with real people's health. Someone need to stop her and I'm greatful to all of you at Global Witches Exposed for exposing these people. 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kat and Neco FRAUD/SCAM!

Wake up people, Kat and Neco are a fraud and scam. Have you notice how their always having to repeat the same things over and over as if their trying to convince themselves of their own fraud and scam their feeding their followers? A person that's confident in their practice wouldn't find the need to repeat the same things over and over. Who are you guys trying to fool? NOT GWE fans. You may have fooled many, but people are starting to see the frauds and scams. You can change your website names, delete comments, delete videos, delete content all you want we're still taking you down for fraud and scam. We keeping a record of everything. Keep It Bitchy!

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to email GWE?

ATTENTION: Due to so many emails we receive, please edit what you don't want posted from your emails. We will copy and paste the emails on our websites, but will always keep your identity anonymous for your privacy. Our email address is . Keep It Bitchy!


Here's the email below:

Here are videos of Obi being casted appropriately that prove neco does NOT know how to cast obi. His warriors ceremony is fake and crap!!! neco does clearly does not know what he is doing!!!

Enough said!!! kat and neco are most definitely fakes and scammers!!!

EXPOSED EMAIL: Kat and Neco #2

Here's the email below:

Kat does not even have her elekes yet, so, she should not even get crowned until after she does.

I just watched Tata's new video and he even mentioned that only initiated Priest and Priestesses that are crowned can read with Obi. A Palero on gwf asked neco on his Palo with neco page what were chamalongos and where did they come from and neco could not even answer the question and then kat decided to delete neco's Palo with neco page!!! Obviously neco doesn't know anything!!! That Palero is a good Palero with a reputable lineage and I know for a fact that he is the real deal. That Palero was just testing neco and neco FAILED!!!


Here's the email below:

Hello! :)

kat and neco say they received their warriors from their Padrino who they say is a Babalawo. First of all, if they received them from a Babalawo, they would not have received an Eleggua, they would have received an Esu. Also in this video I have attached, neco is casting Obi which can only be done by an Olorisa and above. Also in this video, neco is wearing a BS ide on his right wrist and an ide of Eleggua. Neco is NOT even crowned so he shouldn't even be wearing and ide of Eleggua. Also, in this video neco did NOT say the right Mojuba for the sprinkling of the water and if he did say one for casting the obi, it would have lasted way longer.

Also, neco's "Ogun" pot in here is the same pot he had his BS collar de bandera on in their first video in response to Tata Oriate. First of all neco is not even a Tata, so, he should not even have an Nganga!!! Second of all, an Ogun pot or even a warrior Ogun pot, no matter what road of Ogun it is, would NEVER have sticks in it!!! Third of all, a Lucumi/Santeria Babalawo would not even be making an Nganga because they have nothing to do with Palo at all!!! Fourth of all, Palo and Lucumi/Santeria are completely different religions and should not be mixed, so, that pot IS DEFINITELY FAKE!!!

EXPOSED: Their bashing gays, but both of them have gay followers,wow.

Neco/Kat Threatens A Tata PROOF

Kat Exposed Email

Kat Exposed Email:

Quote from Katz in an old mailbox

".. dont sale yourself short I was a business coach its in my nature ... Always in Business... and profit
Plus I wanted to do Global as free ...spread the love.. but it got to overwhelming for everyone ....everyone was complaining..when I added cost ..the serious stick and the rest stop the bs"

EXPOSED Email #2

We've got a email. (READ BELOW) and we're also posting the video.

This is from someone initiated into an Orisa tradition.

A while back, when I was a member of GWF, I thought GWF was amazing. Then I started noticing things. When neco came into the picture, things just got worse. That video of him pretending to be possessed was garbage and so was that blessing of the Watariamba statue!!!

Someone told me that kat had a while back told them that she (kat) said that she did not need to be initiated because the spirits initiated her and that she also did not need to be initiated because she has it in her blood line. Obviously that type of thinking is way way way way beyond crap!!!

I indirectly called out kat's bull shit without naming her on GWF. I talked about why one does need to be initiated into Palo, Vodou, Santeria/Lucumi, in order to practice them. She says her background is Palo, Vodou , and Santeria/Lucumi and she is obviously not initiate into them.

I mentioned that praying to a statue of an Orisa does not count as a background in Lucumi/Santeria. I also mentioned that praying and giving offerings to a Loa does not count as a background in Vodou either.

She says she has a background in Palo , but said that when she went to the Tata of a Palo friend of hers, bad things started happening in her life and there was crazy poltergeist activity going on in her house. Then she said she told it to stop and it automatically did which I don't think is the least bit true because I believe her bull shit brujeria is garbage and weak!!! If that really happened because of her alleged involvement in Palo, then what ever she allegedly did in Palo was NOT REAL Palo.

I also quoted Santeros Against Fraud and Exploitation and all of her friends including her, completely misread what I had quoted and did not read it completely or clearly.

Then her and all of her friends started yelling at me and threatening me on GWF. Quite a few members were already starting to not trust her and had not trusted her for a while.

Kat also said that she has what I already have that I received through initiation even though she is not initiated herself at all into ANYTHING!!!

kat and Jeannie both outright threatened me!!! I was so fucking mad!!! I did do a reading and confirmed that both kat and neco were planning on spiritually attacking me because I called out a fake Palera on GWF for the fake garbage she was doing that kat and neco started doing. Kat and neco never responded to me nor did they care that they had a fake Palera on GWF.

Global Witches will threaten anyone that speaks out against them with brujeria.

I'm doing fine and in fact my life is getting better!!! :D kat and necos' bull shit brujeria is weak and does not work!!! I can't believe that they are also selling blessed elekes to raise money for their initiations into Ocha which is what they have told Tata!!!

I did my readings and ebbos (offerings) to my Orisas and spiritually cleansed myself and did just fine!!! :D Their crap did not work on me at all!!! :D I DON'T mean to brag or be un-humble, though.

Check out this link right here. It is what I quoted from Santeros Against Fraud and Exploitation. I quoted the article about cultural appropriation. There is another article calling out a cultural appropriator who knows the fake Palera I called out. Also keep scrolling down to read the other articles and read the comments about them, too.

EXPOSED Email #1

We've got another email. (READ BELOW) and we're also posting the video.

Hi my name is -------, I live in ----- and I have been watching Global Witches, Katz & Tata Oriante vids on YouTube for quite awhile. At first, I would watch Katz videos and liked the subjects she would speak on. But one day, something that she said turned me away from her. In one of the vids, while attempting to validate her priesthood, she said she was an ordained priest and her credentials came from ULC. Now, I am very familiar with ULC. The Universal Life Church (ULC) is an organization that anyone can go to and be ordained in any religion that they want. I learned about ULC while I was in prison. My cell mate was a Christian minister who was ripping people off in the church. He was ordained by ULC as well. I wrote ULC requesting info and they sent me a booklet with all the different ordainment certifications they have. For only $50 you can be ordained in any religion that you want. All you have to do is take a small ten question quiz in the booklet. All the answers are in the back of the book, so your pretty much guaranteed to pass and become certified ordained. I actually paid and became ordained myself. But not only that, you can actually pay more money and they will give u a doctorates degree and you can become a so called doctor in certain religious studies. Alot of the pimps in prison become ordained with ULC and when get out start their own churches and rip people off in the church. So basically, being ordained by ULC is nothing more than fabricated ordainment for pseudo-priests. That was the 1st alarm that went off for me concerning Katz. Then one day, before I found out about her ULC ordainment, I was watching one of her vids on YouTube. Katz is always claiming that their are so many spirits all around her. But in this particular vid, you can see her make a jerking movement behind her, like she kicked something that was behind her. Then all of the sudden a glass falls and breaks. Then she looks at the camera with a look insinuating it was the spirits that did it. Here's the link for the vid: She kicks the glass at 0:18. I feel people need to know about these things especially when Katz and her boyfriend make false claims against good people. I don't mean to sound cliche when I say this, but don't throw rocks when you life in a glass house.

VR to Global Witches Exposed

Global Witches Exposed supporters sharing their experience 
with Global Witches and why they left, here's the video. Keep it
 bitchy and thanks for the support.

Neco Morales Rolling Marijuana (Global Withches/Green Eyed Witch)

Kat= Hocus Pocus Text Book Witch LOL

EMAIL/VIDEO CLIP: Kat Watariamba Exposed

EMAIL:Katz, Jeannie, and Neco Exposed

Kat and Jeannie Exposed (Book Scam/Fraud)

EMAIL/VIDEO CLIP: Kat Exposed lol

Neco and Kat Exposed Part 2

Kat and Jeannie Going Ludacris!

Neco and Kat Exposed

Kat and Neco Fake Elekes

Katz Fake Oshun/Ochun EXPOSED

Global Witches Exposed

Scams and Frauds

Global Witches/Green Eyed Witch/Witchy Sisterhood is a scam and fraud!

These people change websites, delete videos, and delete information to cover their scams/frauds.




Email us!

We are here to expose Global Witches/Green Eyed Witch and anyone apart of these websites! If you have any information on Global Witches/Green Eyed that need to be exposed email us at ,Thanks

Who Are We?

We're Global Witches Exposed here to expose the frauds/scams of Global Witches, Green Eyed Witch, Healing With Jeannie, Other affiliate websites, Kat Rodriquez, Neco Morales, Jeannie Martin, Glammie Wytch and anyone eles affiliated with these people. We're here to put the the truth out and expose the frauds/scams of these websites and people.