Monday, August 26, 2013

Email: Katz Is Not A Priestess

Start watching and listening at 6 minutes and 24 seconds!!! :D She mentions it a couple of times over the next couple of minutes!!! :D Now she says she is one!!! What a load of crap!!! How in the hell did she become a High Priestess if she is a solitary witch????!!!!! Nothing has changed in her practice other than joining a fake Santeria/Lucumi house!!! She did not go through any initiations into anything that would make her a High Priestess!!! There are no High Priest or Priestess IN Santeria/Lucumi like she says there is!!! She says it's an Ocha house, but clearly she DOES NOT understand Santeria/Lucumi terminology!!! The highest ranking person it it would be an Oba Oriate!!! If it was an Ocha house, there would be NO Babalawos in it at all!!!
Here is the video

Email: Katz Claim To Be Ocha Initiate

We've got another email, READ

Katz wrote this on her Witchy Sisterhood website profile, read.

Life Coach, Intuitive Reader,
Bruja, Ocha Initiate,
High Priestess in witchcraft
Katherine Rodriguez, (Founder)
A Natural Born Bruja practiced as a solitary for the past 12 years. Katz just received Orula in the house of Ocha/Santeria/Palo With Madrina Yitka and Padrino - Babalawo Sandy. Katz is an Ordained High Priestess in Witchcraft, Business and Experienced Life Coach. Katz has a very different approach to coaching and is a very skilled Intuitive Reader. Katz also help's other's like herself with the gift of sight, and as a sensitive.

Will the real book witch please stand up,lol.

Email: Katz and Neco Exposed

Katz and Neco Exposed, READ this email below:

fake palo
neco is not a palero, and kat blocked me for saying there is a dark side to christianity to a video she did about witchy kid wanting to go to the church just cause its socially accepted. In her honey jar video she says palo is the dark side of santeria, wtf, she claims she is in a palo, santeria house now. Palo is its own religion with its own gods not orisha they have nkisi. They just happen to work with the dead, and many go initiate into ifa for the ashe life energy boost....The paleras I know think she is a joke.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Exposed: The Text Book Witch Kat

We've got another email, READ:

Katherine Rodriguez is saying she didn't learn from books at 1 minute and 43 seconds in this video on YouTube, but she has even said it many times in her past videos that she has learned from books and that she continues to learn from books!!! What a F-ing LIAR!!! She keeps saying that she has worked Palo and Vodou, but she is not even initiated into either of those traditions, so, she can't even work them!!!

Check out this video exposing Katherine Rodriguez for being a learning from text books witch!!!

First of all, praying to a Loa and using a Ve Ve as a non-initiate DOES NOT COUNT as working Vodou!!! You have to be initiated in order to us Ve Ves and Katherine Rodriguez is not initiated into Vodou!!!

Second of all, just because she visited a friend of her's Tata and he did ceremony on Katherine Rodriguez's behalf, DOES NOT COUNT as her working Palo!!!

Third of all she even mentioned that shit went wrong when she visited her friend's Tata, so, whatever that Tata was doing, WAS NOT REAL PALO!!! IF IT WAS REAL, shit would not have gone wrong in the first place!!!

Katherine Rodriguez is a F-ING FAKE ASS WITCH AND SHE F-ING KNOWS IT!!!

Another Email: Jeannie and Chan

A while back I heard that Jeannie Martin and her husband's marriage was suffering because Jeannie was doing more work for global witches and Katherine Rodriguez for free and her husband was getting mad that she wasn't making any money or getting paid by Katherine Rodriguez aka katz0411 and green eyed witch. If she was getting paid, her marriage most likely would be fine. I'm pretty sure I even heard that from Jeannie.

Katherine Rodriguez is all about making money for herself and nobody else. All she does is promote herself, but she is still a piece of shit for being the scammer and fake that she is. Katherine Rodriguez does not realize that people that have been properly initiated into Santeria/Lucumi and various branches of Palo and other traditions and religions that are African based, all across the country are making fun of her, Neco Morales, global witches, and everything that they are doing and calling out Katherine Rodriguez and Neco Morales and global witches on their bull shit. Katherine Rodriguez and Neco Morales have no idea how many people are making fun of them and calling them out by name and educating people on the truth what Katherine Rodriguez and Neco Morales are doing wrong!!!

Email- Kat Exposed

Hello! :)

"Katherine Rodriguez calls herself an Apetebi and she is not even married to a Babalawo!!! she does not even know what it means to be an Apetebi!!! Apetebi means "Slave of Ifa'" and if they were an Oriate, they would no longer be one and could not do anymore readings and their husband the Babalawo would be the master of the house and he is the one that gets to do all of the readings!!! KATHERINE RODRIGUEZ IS NOT EVEN CROWNED yet either, so, SHE STILL CAN'T BE an Apetebi!!! Katherine Rodriguez says that women are more initiated and that a woman with Ikofa is elder to a man with Awofaka just because men still have an opportunity to be initiated as a Babalawo. THAT IS COMPLETELY FALSE AND NOT TRUE!!!

Women ONLY receive one Ikin (palm nut) and DO NOT HAVE A FULL HAND OF ORULA BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT GO ON TO BE INITIATED AT THE SAME LEVEL AS A BABALAWO IN SANTERIA/LUCUMI!!! Men and women ARE at the same level as each other when they receive Awofaka or Ikofa!!! Here is a link to a website of a well known elder Santero and Palero that talks about it. Scroll down to the last section of the article and you'll find it.

Katherine Rodriguez and Neco Morales also keep their alleged Mano de Orulas on their BS Orisa statue altar and that is completely and totally disrespectful to the religion of Santeria/Lucumi!!! Mano de Orulas ARE SUPPOSE TO BE KEPT HIGH UP ON A SHELF NEXT TO THE OSUN THAT IS RECEIVED WITH THE WARRIORS!!! Katherine Rodriguez also says that her and Neco Morales' Mano de Orula pots have a spirit in them. THAT IS COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY WRONG AND INCORRECT!!! She also says that her receiving Mano de Orula meant that she was initiated into Ifa' which IS COMPLETELY WRONG AND NOT TRUE!!! Being initiated into Ifa' means being initiated at the level of a Babalawo in Santeria/Lucumi!!!"

We've got an email, Read.

Email, read:

I just watched one of the videos on Thewitchysisterhood and at 16 seconds they show a picture of the Trono for Orula's alleged feast day that was taken during the time Katherine Rodriguez and Neco Morales said they received their warriors and it looks like crap!!! If it was a real house, there would be a lot more decorations, food, and stuff done to it!!! Also, FEAST DAY IS OCTOBER 4 AND NOT DURING THE TIME WHEN KATHERINE RODRIGUEZ AND NECO MORALES SAID THEY RECEIVED THEIR WARRIORS!!! THERE ARE PLENTY OF VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE THAT PROVE BOTH OF THOSE FACTS I"VE JUST STATED!!!

Here are a few more big kickers!!! At 58 seconds into the video, Katherine Rodriguez's Padrino is wearing a necklace that says Ifa' on it that is made of brown and green beads!!! THAT IS FOR TRADITIONAL YORUBA IFA BABALAWOS, IYANIFAS, AND OLUWOS ONLY!!! NOT SANTERIA/LUCUMI BABALAWOS!!! Orula's colors in Santeria/Lucumi are GREEN AND YELLOW!!! NOT GREEN AND BROWN!!!

Katherine Rodriguez also keeps saying that her Padrino did her guardian Orisa reading and gave her, her warriors and that she received Eleggua from him!!!



Babalawos' SOLE domain in Santeria/Lucumi IFA'!!! NOT OCHA!!!

Let me reiterate this message below again!!!

Here is the reason why which I got from a well known elder Santero who I personally know who also knows one of my elders, website

" Ifá is the name of the sect of Orunmila within Santeria. Orunmila (also spelled Orunla or Orula) is the orisha of divination who knows how our fate will unfold. Some practitioners also call Orunmila by the name Ifá. The reason I specifically call out Ifá as a separate sect is because the ritual functions within the Ifá sect can only be accomplished by priests of Orunmila – called Babalawos (or Oluwos if they were orisha priests prior to passing to Ifá – which many are). Only Babalawos can give the Eshu that is received in Ifá. Only Babalawos can give the Idé of Orunmila (bracelet of Orunmila), which is always worn and keeps the spirit of Ikú (death) at bay. Only Babalawos can divine with the okuelé (diviner’s chain) and the ikín (palm nuts) – and these are the ONLY divination tools used in Ifá. Only Babalawos can give Kofá or Awofakán (Mano de Orula), giving a smaller shrine of Orunmila for people to have in their home (note this is not a consecration as a priest of Orunmila – it is a reception of his mysteries into your life for balance and to learn one’s destiny). Only Babalawos can consecrate other Babalawos as priests. A Santero or Santera cannot do these things.

But the inverse is also true. A Babalawo cannot do many of the things a Santero or Santera can. They cannot give addimú orishas (token Orishas) to others except for the Warriors (Eshu, Ogun, Ochosi, Osun), Osain, Olokun and Oduduwa – and even then they can only give the Ifá style ones that can never be passed on by that individual (unless they become a Babalawo in time). They do not read diloggún (cowrie shells) – they stick only to the use of the diviner’s chain and palm nuts. There is a pataki (legend) that Orunmila surrendered the cowries to Oshun and the orishas to use after she mastered the skill simply by watching him – and he swore that he would create a new system only for men, and only for his priests; that was the okuelé and ikin. Babalawos cannot give the initiation of Elekes (necklaces) – but they can give Orunmila’s eleke to people. They cannot initiate people in the Kariocha ceremony to be priests of other Orishas. They can perform sacrificial rights, or entrance readings leading in to a kariocha but they cannot be in the sacred room when the initiation is taking place. They do not birth orishas.

So in many ways, the Ifá sect is a subdivision of Santería. A cloistered sect of diviners with membership limited to heterosexual men, who dedicate their lives to the mastery of divination, the science of Ifá and the knowledge of Odu. Babalawos are not the high priests of our religion. That is a misnomer perpetuated in many of the early books on Santeria written by outsiders to our faith. They are the masterful diviners in our religion who focus solely on the function of Ifá."

Here is a link to the article which is under "What is Ifa' and Who are Babalawos."