Thursday, October 10, 2013

Katherine Martin Rodriguez Abi Neco Morales Green Eyed Witch Exposed

These two are exposed. Read this email below:

Hello again Global Witches Exposed!!! :D

   In this video, Katherine Martin/Rodriguez says that Green Eyed Witch is worth it because they allegedly got people coming from all around the world to see them.

   If they were so good, Katherine Martin/Rodriguez would NOT need to constantly say how much she is a bruja, which she isn't, and how good Green Eyed Witch is.

   If they were so good, I would not be here right now. They threatened me and I'm still standing and my life continues to get better every day.

   If they were so good, Appleluna and Luna Elizabeth Thorn would not be here still either.

   If they were so good, then those people with a bunch of kids would not have had wasted their money that they did not even have to spend and the work Katherine Martin/Rodriguez and Abi/Neco Morales did would have worked.

   If they were so good, the person who paid Abi/Neco Morales for work, who's life got messed up instead of getting better, would have been doing better instead of worse and Abi/Neco Morales would not have asked for an extra $2,000.

   Here is the video in which she says it. Start listening at 6 minutes and 14 seconds.

   Katherine Martin/Rodriguez keeps saying that she is part of an Ocha/Palo Mayombe house just to make herself look good. She is NOT even initiated into Palo, either. She can't even explain what Palo con Mayombe means and what it's about. Palo Mayombe is a branch of Palo, NOT Palo as a whole.

   Katherine Martin/Rodriguez only cares about money and using her clients she scams, to pay her bills.

   She keeps saying she is a really good psychic, if she was one, she'd actually be able to tell what is going on in her life and other peoples' lives, too.

   She calls lighting seven day candles that she only prays over once a job!!! That's crap!!! Then she goes and charges several hundreds of dollars for that and that is completely uncalled for and wrong!!! It's a rip off!!! Look at all the rip off reports about her and on She learned everything she does from books and trys to act like she didn't when we  and everyone else knows she did. If she was so good she would not need to keep telling everybody that she is bruja which she isn't.

   She is not an Ocha initiate, either. When someone gets initiated into Ocha, that means they got crowned. Katherine Martin/Rodriguez is NOT crowned!!!

   If her followers would just open up their eyes and minds and do research, they would see that Katherine Martin/Rodriguez, Abi/Neco Morales,, and is a scam.

   Neco needs to stop acting like his Ogun/Warriors/"Palo Pot" is even legit. It's not legit because he claims to work Palo with it which can't be done because you can't mix Palo items with Orisa items,

   Only Tatas and Yayas and above in Palo can have an Nganga and Neco IS NOT a Tata,

   And an Ogun pot is different from the pot that is received during the warriors receiving ceremony.

   Also, bad things can NOT be done with Orisas or Orisa items either.

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