Monday, July 1, 2013

EXPOSED EMAIL: Kat and Neco #2

Here's the email below:

Kat does not even have her elekes yet, so, she should not even get crowned until after she does.

I just watched Tata's new video and he even mentioned that only initiated Priest and Priestesses that are crowned can read with Obi. A Palero on gwf asked neco on his Palo with neco page what were chamalongos and where did they come from and neco could not even answer the question and then kat decided to delete neco's Palo with neco page!!! Obviously neco doesn't know anything!!! That Palero is a good Palero with a reputable lineage and I know for a fact that he is the real deal. That Palero was just testing neco and neco FAILED!!!

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